Sunday, January 27, 2008

How To Whiten Your Teeth In Less Than An Hour

Do you know that you can whiten your stained teeth in less than one hour? This could be achieved easily by your dentist in his office. This particular short time in-office tooth whitening system employs a special hydrogen peroxide-based tooth whitening gel compound. This gel comes in prepackaged as two individual components, one as a powder and the other as a liquid. They are mixed during application to produce a paste which contains 35% hydrogen peroxide concentration and pH of 6.5.

The procedure for this type of in-office tooth whitening system utilizes xenon-halogen whitening light. These lights are produced specifically for use with this tooth whitening gel. When the light is well positioned, it could illuminate the upper and lower teeth at the same time. In this system there is also the use of LED (light - emitting diode) whitening light.

Both light units can emit light with wavelength of 405 and 580nm, and so these lights were blue-green in color. Therefore light with this type of wavelength range can effectively activate some aspect of the tooth whitening gel, and hence aids its whitening ability. Studies have shown that the xenon-halogen and LED whitening lights do not produce significant heat on the teeth undergoing treatment.

This protocol takes duration of less than one hour. Each tooth whitening section has three individual applications of the special gel, and each application can last for 8 minutes. Therefore, your teeth will be exposure for total time duration of 24 minutes to the whitening gel. This type of tooth whitening system has at-home usage option. It is not a formal part of professional tooth whitening system procedure. However, an at-home paint-on tooth whitening product could be given to a patient as an additional after in-office treatment.

The procedure for this treatment is slightly different from the general steps used in a model professional procedure. If you should choose this whitening system for your teeth whitening whitening, first and foremost, consult your dentist and make the decision with him/her.

Charles of writes to inform and educate people on life related issues.

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Tooth Whitening Product