Sunday, February 3, 2008

Teeth Whitening The Laser Zoom Way

Information on the internet is available for just about everything and like teeth whitening there is a danger of information overload and sometimes conflicting information resulting in customers getting confused about what the best thing to do.

It really is quite simple when it comes to teeth whitening the options are the off the shelf kits which are cheap and mostly ineffective, the dentists route which requires you go to the dentist for a pre consultation before he measures your teeth for a tray which you need to insert in to your mouth for two to three weeks and sometimes your continuous bad habits will outweigh the removal of the staining.

Laser teeth whitening or Zoom teeth whitening as it is also known is a treatment that is carried out at beauty salons and the client has a gum dam inserted to protect their gum during the treatment and then will have the stain remover applied to their teeth which is activated when the laser light is started.

Clients benefiting from Zoom teeth whitening would normally have been created by caffeine, coffee, tea, red wine and gravy to name a few of offending substances!

Many professionals have been born on the back of this fairly new industry and these include The White Teeth Company who operate in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Bedfordshire their website has a full list of salons at

Zoom teeth whitening is not for everyone as some people will need dental treatment prior to having any course of teeth whitening and they will need to visit their dentist to get their teeth and gums checked for problems.

After a successful zoom teeth whitening treatment customers should look to change their habits as the likely outcome is the teeth will become stained again after a few months and the investment incurred to have the treatment will be wasted.

Beauty salons looking to increase their range of services are looking at Zoom teeth whitening as a business opportunity to offer the service to their existing clients and also benefit from attracting new clients to their business.

The White Teeth Company is looking for new salons all over the South East and for further information on Zoom teeth whitening click Or visit

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Tooth Whitening Product