Friday, November 30, 2007

Choosing The Best Tooth Whitening Product

Having sparkling, white teeth is not only desirable, it appears to have become an obsession with many people and those people want to discover the best tooth whitening product.

There are many products currently available in the market; however, before you can chose the best tooth whitening product for your needs you will need to consider whether you want the whitening process carried out professionally by a dentist or if you'd prefer to do it yourself at home.

Professional tooth whitening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to improve the appearance of both men and women. It is fast, affordable and can transform a smile in a matter of days. It is, therefore, becoming more popular and common. The usual method of professional whitening involves treating the teeth with carbamide peroxide, an active ingredient which releases a great amount of oxygen into the enamel of the teeth, thereby lightening the teeth by several shades.

The peroxide compound is generally placed into a tray which is then applied to the teeth while protecting the gums. The best thing with the professional tooth whitening process is that it is fast and effective and will whiten your teeth in a matter of days. The process itself takes one to two hours at the dental surgery and there is a follow-up process which can be carried out at home, whereby the patient wears the tray with compound for 30 minutes a day for three weeks. The improvement in the brightness and whiteness of the teeth can be dramatic.

There are other improved products available today that can be applied overnight. This will speed up the process a lot. In this way the treatment can be finished within one week, instead of two to three weeks which the home kits usually require. Having your teeth whitened professionally may seem like an expensive option for many people and they may prefer to look for the best tooth whitening product that can be used at home. When choosing a home tooth whitening kit consider the following:

• Ease of use
• Product ingredients
• Price and value
• Product recommendation

Peroxide-based tooth whitening is a function of two factors - the concentration of peroxide in the whitening compound and the amount of time the compound is in contact with the surface of the teeth. To achieve the best results, the teeth need to be exposed to an appropriate tooth whitener for the recommended amount of time.

Often, home tooth whitening kits use a lower concentration whitener for an extended period of time. A dentist will usually use a higher concentration of whitener for a shorter period of time. It is generally felt that both methods will produce the same outcome.

Tooth bleaching at home requires will require a commitment to follow the process for some week. On the other hand, the dentist can achieve the same result in a matter of hours - albeit at far greater cost. It is generally considered that two weeks of at-home whitening treatments would produce the same result as a one-hour session with the dentist.


To choose the best tooth whitening product you will need to consider many factors including your budget, the time you have available to pursue the whitening process and your ability to stick to the necessary daily routine required for home bleaching. Both methods will usually produce excellent results.

Alison Stevens is an online author and maintains The Cosmetic Dentistry Site to assist anyone who wants to achieve a brilliant smile through teeth whitening and cosmetic dentistry.

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lighten The Color of Your Teeth by Tooth Whitening

Tooth Whitening is the process of lightening the color of your teeth. The methods employed to whiten teeth have been used in the world of dentistry for years. The process of whitening teeth has been found most on teeth that are mildly discolored. Teeth that have extensive staining will require a great deal of bleaching in order to remove the stains.

Teeth that have been damaged and stained due to medication such as antibiotics take longer to respond to treatment and in some cases the treatment is ineffective. The degree to which the teeth whiten will vary from patient to patient. The degree to which the teeth whiten depends greatly on the structure of the teeth and the duration of the treatment. Tooth whitening can be done a variety of ways.

Most people today are opting for what is known as home bleaching. This is where you whiten your teeth by using a mild whitening solution that is retained in custom filled appliance that is worn over the teeth for a period of time during the day. Tooth discoloration is caused by many factors. One of the leading causes of tooth discoloration and the need for tooth whitening is smoking, and coffee consumption.

Coffee and smoking combined can make the teeth appear brownish in color. Tooth Whitening works for almost everyone but there are some cases in which the treatment appears to be ineffective. If a person has dark intense stains then it has been found that the treatment of tooth whitening is not as effective as if the stains were minimal. If there is a congenital discoloration that has been present from birth then there is a chance that any tooth whitening treatment will not work.

If a person has crowns, dentures and even veneers then they should seek other treatments for having nice, whiter teeth, as tooth whitening is usually not effective in these cases. If you are interested in the tooth whitening process then you can consult your dentist and see what options are available to you. You can your teeth professionally bleached by the dentist or you can try some methods at home such as whitening strips and toothpastes both of which have been proven to white teeth effectively. There are other ways of whitening teeth. You can look on the Internet and see what you can find.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Few Secrets About Teeth Whitening

Do you know the major differences between dental office and at home teeth whitening procedures? Discover what you can really expect from both of these teeth whitening treatments available, as well as what to look for in a teeth whitening system for optimal results.

Within the last 10 years the field of teeth whitening, both in the dental office and at home, has changed immensely. Essentially, there are two different methods to get whiter teeth: dental (in-office) whitening, and an at home treatment. Discover a few secrets about teeth whitening that your dentist hopes I'll never tell you!


I can tell you from first-hand experience, dentists LOVE the patient who wants to have a teeth whitening procedure in the dental office. Back in the early '90's there was only one option available.

Your dentist would make molds of your teeth, send them off to a lab, and in 5-10 days receive back your custom fitted teeth whitening mouthpiece. Then you would sit in the dental chair for 1-2 hours, with these plastic teeth whitening molds filled with peroxide (at a very low concentration) pressed against your teeth and gums.

After 3-4 visits, your teeth would be officially declared whiter (and usually they were), and you would be sent home with a nice $500 - $1,000 bill to pay. And with whiter teeth of course.

I'll be the first to admit, dental office teeth whitening has come a long way in the past 10 years. Now the most popular teeth whitening dental office procedure known as Laser Bleaching (or Power Bleaching, Argon Bleaching, etc.) is a shorter process. Basically this teeth whitening procedure consists of the application of a concentrated peroxide gel onto your teeth, then for the next hour you sit in a dental chair with your mouth wide open, while a special light (usually argon) is shined onto the teeth whitening paste that in turn chemically reacts with the peroxide to complete the teeth whitening process in as short a time period as possible.

This teeth whitening procedure does work. Although, many dentists say that you get a whiter smile by repeated tray applications because the teeth whitening peroxide stays in contact with your teeth for longer periods of time. The downside is that you still get stuck with that fat $500 - $1,000 bill (at least for the good teeth whitening procedure).And you still need to either come back 6 months later for another teeth whitening (excuse me - a touch up!), or you're given some take home whitening items. Why then did you spend $500 - $1,000 dollars for an in-office teeth whitening procedure?

Fortunately, as most other things in life, technology stepped in to make teeth whitening easier and more affordable!


I'll say this once just to get it out in the open, it's now possible (in almost all cases) to achieve "dental office" quality teeth whitening, from the comfort of your own home! "At-Home" teeth whitening has taken a bite out of (sorry for the pun) the "in-office" power bleaching systems, where millions of corporate advertising dollars now compete with the comfort of teeth whitening at home.

And rightly so...

Up until a few years ago, teeth whitening was a fairly complex process. The hard part was making those fitted mouthpieces for each patient, for this reason alone, home teeth whitening was not an option for most people.



Brush-on teeth whitening in principal is a great concept, just brush on the formula, allow it to dry on your teeth, and let is stay on your teeth overnight. Sounds simple, right?

In reality, brush-on teeth whitening is designed for the segment of the public that is in love with shortcuts (in other words, for those people who don't want to spend the time to do it right the first time). Brush-on teeth whitening has TWO MAIN FLAWS:

1. When you brush on the teeth whitening formula, it relies on the premise that it will dry on your teeth. This is great in principle, but if you get the teeth whitening formula wet (i.e. from saliva or from licking your teeth) then it becomes REALLY easy to rub off parts of the formula. And guess what happens if you rub off only part of the teeth whitening formula? You got it - you don't get an even whitening result! It turns out patchy and blotchy.

2. The second flaw with most brush-on teeth whitening as I see it, is the ingredients. If you look at the ingredient list of the leading brush-on whitener, you'll see the first ingredient is alcohol. If you've read my ebook "The Bad Breath Bible"

( then you already know that alcohol is terrible for your breath! Actually, I'm sure the reason why they've added alcohol to their teeth whitening formula is because it's needed as a desiccant (something that dries out the formula so that it supposedly stays on your teeth at night). However, that still doesn't diminish the effect it can have on your gums and your breath. Also, most of these brush-on teeth whitening formulas contain glycerin which literally sucks the moisture out from the enamel of your teeth and it's the primary cause of most tooth sensitivity from teeth whitening.


The second most common type of home teeth whitening is using whitening strips. The main lure of this home teeth whitening option is the strips' simplicity of use, they're easy to apply and no preparation is necessary. Again, everybody loves shortcuts, right? Unfortunately, once again that's exactly the type of teeth whitening you end up getting! Let me explain...

Strips that stick on your teeth usually consist of an upper strip and a lower strip each pressed against the outer surface of your teeth. Now think about this for a second...Are your teeth completely flat? Of course not - they have recesses and grooves, particularly between each tooth. Well imagine you're painting a fence, and you just slapped paint on the outside, without taking the time to paint in the grooves between each wooden board. That fence would look pretty funny wouldn't it? Nicely painted on the outside, but in the grooves between each wooden board, still dark and dingy, with all of the old paint showing.

When you use teeth whitening strips, the same thing can easily happen to your teeth if you're not careful. The whiter your teeth become, the more pronounced those dingy cracks seem! Eventually it can end up looking like you have small gaps between your teeth. Definitely not the desired result!


Trays with bleaching gels still provide the best combination of the most affordable and most efficient teeth whitening available. Since I'm a dentist, I can let you in on a few little secrets (some secrets which most dentists would shoot me for telling you since it costs them thousands in lost income)!

First, most of the teeth whitening gels available at your dentist are exactly the same. There is very little difference from one dentist to another, that's because the gels are formulated by a small number of manufacturers.

Second, most of the teeth whitening gels available at retail stores are of very poor quality. They've been sitting in a warehouse or on a truck for who knows how long, and because they are designed to be "low cost" they have very low concentrations of active ingredients. Older teeth whitening gels use a concentration of only 16% of carbamide peroxide.

Third, the one thing in common between dental office and "store" teeth whitening gels is that they both use glycerin as a carrying agent. Now there is nothing wrong with glycerin by itself. It is not dangerous in any way. However, when mixed with carbamide peroxide, the glycerin is used to draw water out of the enamel in order to speed up the whitening process. This is what causes the most common side effect of teeth whitening - sensitive teeth! Therefore, you're going to want to find a teeth whitening product that does not use a glycerin base.


There are four key components I recommend for making sure you get the best possible teeth whitening results every time.

1. Immediately before whitening, brush your teeth for two minutes with an oxygenating toothpaste combined with the finest natural polishing agents AND aloe vera to strengthen your gums and prevent any sensitivity. This way you're sure that the whitening gel directly contacts your tooth enamel (instead of dental plaque).

2. Use form-fitting mouth trays that are fitted to your specific bite. Make sure they fit snugly around each tooth, and at all points they press firmly around the sides of your teeth and gums. The best home teeth whitening systems use a moldable tray system that contains mouthpieces which you can actually fit to your mouth. You mold them by soaking them for a few seconds in warm water, then you press the plastic up (or down) against your teeth and gums. When the plastic cools you have a nice soft plastic mouthpiece that is fitted to the curves of your particular smile.

3. You should use as strong of teeth whitening gel as possible to ensure that the time your teeth are in contact with the whitening gel is well spent. Use a 21% carbamide peroxide concentrated teeth whitening gel that is formulated specifically to reduce the sensitivity to your teeth and gums, (in other words - NO glycerin!). This percentage of concentration also means a whiter result in a shorter period of time. Finally, a flavored teeth whitening gel helps - why not make the experience as pleasant as possible? No need for it to taste bad!

4. Immediately after your teeth whitening treatment, enhance the effect by using an oxygenating oral rinse. Remember, make sure not to use a mouthwash that contains alcohol, as this can actually chemically curtail the bleaching effect, not to mention it dries your mouth out!

I recommend following this teeth whitening system for 5 days in a row. You can even do the top and bottom arch separately for comfort if you prefer. After'll have a noticeably whiter smile - GUARANTEED!


Dr. Harold Katz, founder of the California Breath Clinics, is the leading expert on the topics of bad breath and teeth whitening. For your FREE 4 page, color guide to teeth whitening visit:

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a process of lightening the color of teeth. It involves a bleaching process that reduces the discoloration of the enamel and dentin caused due to smoking, aging, consumption of tea, coffee and colas.

You can try tooth whitening if you have healthy teeth without any fillings. Teeth whiteners are not suitable for dark gray stains, crowns, colored fillings and stains due to some medication such as tetracycline.

There are several types of products available for use at home. When selecting a whitener you must look for the ADA Seal for safety and effectiveness. Tooth whiteners gels or strips contain carbamide or hydrogen peroxide as the active bleaching ingredients. The bleaching gel is placed in a thin bleaching tray that fits over the teeth. The tooth whitening strips are placed on the teeth and gently pressed to make a contact between the whitener and the surface of the tooth. Results are usually seen within the first week.

You may experience tooth sensitivity to cold or discomfort in the gums during treatment. These symptoms always disappear within a couple of days after completion of treatment.

The tooth whitening toothpastes help remove surface stain through the action of mild abrasives or chemical polishing agents. Whitening toothpastes with the ADA Seal of Acceptance program do not alter the intrinsic color of teeth, unlike bleaches.

You should never use lemon juice for teeth whitening because vitamin C will cause the teeth to lose calcium, damaging teeth quicker than anything else.

P. Mehta, Copyright

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and Teeth care, Oral health, tooth decay, bad breath, dental plaque, cavities & tartar

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Whitening Toothpaste

There are many ways to achieve the white teeth of your dreams, and hundreds of products to choose from. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for. The top of the line tooth whitening treatment is an in office laser whitening which will run you about $600.00 Expensive for some, but it gives guaranteed and immediate results. The cheapest method of tooth whitening is the use of whitening toothpaste. This is the cheapest, and the slowest method to obtain whiter looking teeth.

Whitening toothpastes are a very low cost and low tech way to make your teeth look whiter. With whitening toothpaste it can take up to six months of use twice a day to see what some manufacturers call the final whitening results. Whitening toothpastes do not actually increase the whiteness of the teeth, they work by removing stains from the teeth which in turn make the teeth appear whiter. A lot of people whiten their teeth initially with a in office laser whitening or with a gel tray and then use whitening toothpaste to help keep their smile white.

The success of any whitening toothpaste is directly related to how long and how often you brush your teeth. Some dental health professionals warn that the use of toothpastes in an effort to reduce staining and yellowing of teeth can cause the loss of tooth enamel due to over-brushing. Whitening toothpastes are made with chemicals and abrasives. Brushing too vigorously can lead to the loss of tooth enamel. Tooth enamel cannot be replaced. If you have sensitive teeth you may not be able to use whitening toothpaste.

Be aware that whitening toothpastes only affect the outer layer of enamel. This can cause the yellowness of the deeper layers of the teeth to become more pronounced.

Daily brushing with a regular toothpaste twice a day in concert with regular dental cleanings can help make your teeth look whiter, without fear of enamel loss. Also, rinsing your mouth out after drinking dark beverages such as coffee, tea or red wine can help prevent staining from occurring.

Before you start any whitening product you should have a thorough examination by your dentist. Make sure that you teeth and gums are healthy before you start. Always follow your dentist's recommendations.

by Jeff Slokum

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Whiten Your Smile With Whitening Strips

One of the most inexpensive and easily obtainable tooth whitening systems is the whitening strip. These strips were introduced into the market in 2001.

These whitening strips have the whitener 16% carbamide peroxide pre applied by on them. Some dentists feel that the strips are good as the dose delivered is consistent and it limits the user's exposure to gel, whereas when gel trays are used the amount of gel used can vary between each use.

There is however a large drawback with whitening strips. The whitening strips only whiten the teeth they are in direct contact with. They only whiten the front teeth. Some people find that the strips are not long enough to cover all the teeth they show when they smile. Whitening strips generally cover at least the six center teeth, eyetooth to eyetooth. A tray based system will deliver whitener to all the teeth equally.

The strips are invisible. One manufacturer instructs you wear the strip thirty minutes twice a day. They claim you will see a difference within three days and full results within seven days. They also claim the whitening effect will last up to eighteen months.

Most dentists see no harm done with these at home strips as long as the manufacturers suggested wearing times are followed. Unlike tray based whitening systems the whitening agent does not lie against the gum so there is much less potential for gum tenderness. The gel in these strips is enamel safe.

It's always best to see your dentist for a complete dental examination prior to starting any whitening program. He will check the overall health of your teeth and gums. The dentist can review with you which of your teeth have prior restorations. These restorations will not whiten. After using any whitening product you may need to have these restorations replaced to match your whiter teeth.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Teeth Whitening Techniques

There was a time when dazzling white smiles belonged to those who sashay down the red carpet in Hollywood. Today teeth whitening has become the fastest growing type of cosmetic dental procedure performed. Depending on the type of tooth whitening technique you choose the price ranges from a ten dollars for a tube of whitening toothpaste to up to $600.00 for in office laser teeth whitening.

The Cadillac of teeth whitening is the in office laser system. This is the costliest, but fastest way to achieve white teeth. Laser teeth whitening is a very simple procedure. The dentist applies a bleaching gel to your teeth (after putting protection over your gums) and places a laser light in front of your mouth. The cleaning action of the gel is activated by the light. This gel is left on your teeth for twenty minutes. The application is generally applied two more times to your teeth. In about one hour you leave the dentists office with the whitest teeth possible.

A very popular and mid priced tooth whitening technique is the tray based system. You can purchase these systems in stores. However, they are best if you have the trays made by your dentist. It takes a very short time in the office to have an impression made of your upper and lower teeth. Within a week the dentist will have a soft flexible plastic mold for you. He'll give you the gel, which is generally a 10% carbamide peroxide and he'll instruct you in how to use the tray and tell you how often. Results are seen quickly with a tray system.

Whitening strips are a recent addition to the market, introduced in 2001. They are quite inexpensive and do work, but may not deliver the exact results that you think. The strips have the advantage of having the exact dose of carbamide peroxide pre applied on them. However, the whitening strips will only whiten the teeth they come in direct contact with. The strips generally cover the six center teeth, eyetooth to eyetooth. Some people find their smile is longer than the strip allows for. You will not achieve a full mouth of white teeth using whitening strips.

Another type of whitening system is whitening toothpaste. Whitening toothpastes have many drawbacks. They take a very long time to show real results. Read their claims carefully. The success of whitening toothpaste is directly related to how long and how often you brush. However, over-brushing your teeth can cause the loss of tooth enamel. Tooth enamel cannot be replaced. Also, whitening toothpastes only affect the outside layer of enamel. This will make the yellowness of deeper layers of teeth more pronounced. Many people will whiten their teeth using an in office laser, or a tray system and then use whitening toothpaste to help keep their teeth white.

by Ryan Larson

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Laser Teeth Whitening

There's something about a big smile. Especially a big smile that shows beautiful white teeth. A bright white smile says "healthy", and admit it, people with beautiful white teeth somehow even look happier. A whiter smile can make a person more confident and outgoing in social situations. Unfortunately most of us don't have the whitest smile that we could. Years of drinking dark colored beverages such as coffee, tea, soda, and red wine, smoking, and aging take their toll on the color of tooth enamel. The great news is that today anyone can have a dazzling white smile.

Teeth whitening has become the most common form of cosmetic dentistry performed. It's a very simple and fairly inexpensive way to greatly improve your smile. There are several ways to whiten your teeth depending on the amount of money you want to spend, and your level of patience. You can choose from tooth whitening gels and whitening toothpaste, bleaching strips, bleaching gel with a fitted mouth tray, or laser teeth whitening. Laser teeth whitening is sometimes called in-office bleaching. Of all these different types of alternatives laser teeth whitening is the fastest way to a white smile, it's also the most expensive. A one hour teeth whitening session generally runs around $600.00.

Laser teeth whitening is considered the top of the line treatment. It takes about one hour. The dentist applies a bleach solvent containing hydrogen peroxide to the teeth. You will find that hydrogen peroxide is found in all teeth whitening products. The higher the amount of hydrogen peroxide the faster the tooth whitening will take place. Once the bleach is on the teeth the teeth are subjected to a light source, usually a laser. This laser activates the hydrogen peroxide. This application is left on your teeth for twenty minutes. This process is then repeated two more times before you are done.

Of course, the results you receive from any tooth whitening system will fade over time. Trying to avoid dark colored drinks and not smoking will help you enjoy the results longer.
by Mark Freeman

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Teeth Whitening With Tray Based Systems

There is nothing like a white smile. It conveys to the world good health and confidence. There was a time when dazzling white smiles were only seen on the red carpet, but no more. Today there are literally hundreds of tooth whiteners available on the market. These products range in price from several dollars up to hundreds of dollars. You can have teeth whitening done by the dentist in his office in about one hour, or you can buy a teeth whitening system from your dentist to use at home. In office laser tooth whitening can cost $600.00 for one session. If you don't have a bundle of money to spend and you don't have to see the results immediately, then whitening your teeth at home may be for you. The most popular in home teeth whitening systems are tray based systems.

Your dentist will perform a thorough examination of you teeth and gums before starting your teeth whitening treatment. He'll want to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy, which will help to cut down on potentially painful side effects. If you have receding gums you are at more of a risk to suffer from gum tenderness when using a tray treatment.

You will need to decide if you're going to whiten both upper and lower teeth. If you only have one dental tray made the price is much lower than if you have two made. It's best to go ahead and whiten both at the same time. You don't want to have a set of brilliant white top teeth and dingy yellow bottom teeth - not a good look. Your dentist will also advise you that any dental restorations you may have will not whiten. If there is an obvious noticeable difference you may have opt to have the restoration replaced once the desired level of whitening has been achieved.

In order to help you see your progress your dentist will determine your current tooth shade on a chart. This way when you return for a check up you'll be able to see how much whiter your teeth are. Your dentist will take an impression of your upper and lower teeth. These impressions will be turned into clear soft flexible plastic trays. These trays will be trimmed so they cover each tooth, but not the gum line.

When you see your dentist and are given the trays, generally a few days after the impressions are made, the dentist will make sure the impressions fit well and are comfortable. He or she will give you the 10% carbamide peroxide gel to use in the trays. They'll also show you how to put the gel in the tray and how to avoid getting excess gel on your gums.

Your dentist will give you instructions on how long to wear the trays. Some dentists recommend not wearing them for longer than four hours to minimize potential gum tenderness. Some people are able to wear them overnight. It is suggested that if you can't wear your tray for at least four hours you don't. Less than four hours is a waste of the gel.

Studies have shown that the effects of the tray based teeth whitening can last from one to three years although some people do occasional touch ups to help keep their teeth as white as possible.

by Jeff Slokum

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

How Zoom Teeth Whitening Works

No matter how frequently you brush your teeth, no matter how careful you are when flossing, they will still get yellow after a while. This natural process of teeth loosing their bright white color is aggravated if you are a smoker or if you drink coffee on a regular basis. There are several procedures, such as the Zoom teeth whitening method, that can help your teeth get back to a bright new white in a matter of hours.

Apart from the popular Zoom teeth whitening procedure you can also try several others, however, when making the choice, your dentist should also have some advice for you. In general you can opt for an "at home" whitening method or for the several dental office whitening procedures. The last set of procedures includes the Zoom teeth whitening method – let's see why this procedure is so effective.

How does Zoom teeth whitening work?

This method consists of a mixture of gel and special light wave treatments. The patient is seated and the dentist uses a retractor to separate the lips from the teeth so that the gel can be applied. A special gel is then applied on all the exterior faces of the teeth. The dentist is careful, at this point, not to let the gel touch the patient’s gums too much, as it may cause irritation or lesions.

After the Zoom teeth whitening gel covers the teeth uniformly, the dentist will shine a special bright light on it for about one hour. The special properties of the Zoom teeth whitening gel and the energy produced by the lamp produce chemical reactions that lead to tooth whitening. Although waiting for an hour in the dentist's chair for the gel and light waves to take effect might sound boring, it is one of the best tooth whitening methods available today.

How long does it last and what effects can I expect?

The answers to the questions are different from one person to another. In most cases, a Zoom teeth whitening procedure is done twice a year. An average person who drinks coffee frequently and smokes daily will have improved tooth brightness - around 10 shades brighter. After the procedure is completed, the teeth will gradually start to regain their yellowish color over time, depending on how well you take care of them. On average, people who went through in office tooth whitening procedures noticed that their teeth stay white for months, although the initial brightness does not last more than a few weeks.

The beauty of this system is that it is fast, efficient and has no side effects (although some patients did experience tooth sensitivity for one or two days after the procedure). Overall, Zoom teeth whitening is an excellent choice for anyone looking to get a bright and attractive smile.

Copyright © Jared Winston, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

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Learn about various tooth whitening systems such as the popular Zoom teeth whitening procedure at Lustrous

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Which Teeth Whitening System Is Right For You?

Modern dentistry has improved and changed a great amount in the last ten to twenty years, and this has led to new treatments being available to everyone, rather than just the few rich people who could afford it. People are visiting dentists for 'cosmetic' dental treatment in the same way that they would visit a cosmetic surgeon to have their body altered or enhanced.

With more and more celebrities having cosmetic dental treatments and exhibiting perfect teeth in magazines and on television, tooth whitening is one of the dental treatments that have soared in popularity for people young and old. Other treatments include implants, veneers, and alteration of the gum line. This article looks at the different types of teeth whitening systems and will help you assess which is best for you.

There are various teeth whitening systems available, and they range from the very expensive to the relatively cheap and accessible. All teeth whitening systems fall into two main categories – those that must be carried out by a professional such as a dentist, and those that can be done at home. Home treatments are often cheaper, but can be less effective and can even cause lasting damage if applied incorrectly.

The key to selecting which tooth whitening systems is appropriate for you is to ask yourself the following questions:

Am I good at following written instructions?
What is my budget for this treatment?
Am I looking for immediate results or a course of treatment?
Am I comfortable visiting a dentist?
Do I have minor or extensive tooth staining?

Home tooth whitening systems are cheaper, but they normally use a peroxide bleach based formula and so the instructions that come with them must be followed to the letter. Otherwise, the results may not be what you expected, and the sensitivity of the teeth can be increased.

However, if you are confident about applying the treatment yourself and are prepared to finish the whole treatment without expecting instant results, home teeth whitening systems can be a cost effective way to achieve that celebrity look.

Salon or dentist based teeth whitening systems are more expensive, but can have longer lasting and more immediate effects. Dentists use similar peroxide based formulas to the home systems, but the effect is enhanced by the use of a laser. Laser whitening can make your teeth 5-6 shades lighter on the first visit by activating crystals inside a gel, but if you have extreme discoloration you may need to go back more than once.

The risks of laser teeth whitening are not great, with the most common side effect reported being increased sensitivity to hot and cold. Rubber dams are used to protect the gums when bleach based formulas are being used, and this ensures the gums are protected from the effects of the tooth whitening system.

Modern lifestyles can have a bad effect on our teeth, with drinks like coffee, tea and red wine causing staining and discoloration. Teeth whitening systems are a way to instantly reverse the effects of our lifestyle, but are no substitute for regular brushing and flossing.

Copyright © Jared Winston, 2005. All Rights Reserved.

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Learn about various tooth whitening systems such as the popular Zoom teeth whitening procedure at Lustrous

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Brighter Smiles Give Self Esteem Big Boost

With new, inexpensive options for tooth whitening, you can improve your self-esteem without emptying your wallet.

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Yellow or brown teeth are not the best first impression you want to make. Teeth can become discolored for a number of reasons, the most common being tobacco, coffee, tea, berries, and the natural accumulation of tartar over time. The tooth may also be internally discolored by aging, injury, excessive fluoride, and by certain illnesses and medicines. Although discoloration is natural over time, you can have your teeth whitened safely and professionally for a lot less money than you might expect.

Teeth can be whitened in two ways. A patient can have his or her teeth whitened with Zoom Whitening, a whitening treatment that uses laser-light activated whitening gel in a comfortable cosmetic dentistry office. Alternatively, they may choose to whiten their teeth at home with a tooth whitening tray system that uses a whitening chemical, which seeps through your enamel and whitens the tooth itself.

An in-house whitening procedure usually takes between 60 to 90 minutes per visit. The number of visits depends on the degree of discoloration and the patient's desired outcome. With the take home system, the cosmetic dentist makes an impression for a model of the patient's teeth. The dentist then fabricates a custom-fitted bleaching tray and prescribes a bleaching gel. The gel is placed in the bleaching tray and the patient wears the tray for up to two hours at his or her own convenience.

"Tooth whitening can have dramatic affects on your appearance, as well as giving your self-esteem a big boost," says Dr. O'Neil, a cosmetic dentist in Ft. Lauderdale Florida. "Tooth whitening is safe, convenient, and can change the overall appearance of your smile in a matter of hours."
By Mike Mahon

About the Author

For more information on teeth whitening and other cosmetic dentistry procedures in the Ft. Lauderdale and Miami, Florida area, please click here.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bad Breath - Is it destroying your confidence?

Bad Breath - Is it destroying your confidence?

Whilst this may sound like a weird heading to be linking confidence and bad breath together many sufferers of breath problems will know exactly what I mean.

How often have you turned your head slightly when talking to someone to avoid breathing on them? Or had someone comment on how bad your breath smells. It is like being slapped in the face. No body likes it including me. But there is a way to control it or even stop it all together.

In the following page you will find out exactly how I overcome bad breath and some of the finer details about breath related problems.

What causes Bad Breath?

In most cases bad breath (halitosis) is caused by or related to oral bacteria. The wastes of oral bacteria are actually sulfur compounds and it is usually these compounds that will be the cause of your bad breath.

The build up of plaque can also largely contribute to the production of oral bacteria. It only takes a layer of .1 to .2 of a millimeter of plaque to provide an environment in which this bacteria can flourish.

What about foods, can they be a cause?

Absolutely, eating foods and drinks such as garlic, onions, cheese, orange juice, soda, meat product, dairy products and high protein foods.

Also when food becomes lodged between your teeth and around the gums it lends a very big part in the production of oral bacteria.

How do I treat bad breath.

In almost all cases bad breath is caused by a problem of some sort in the mouth. In which case it stands to reason that a visit to the dentist can help determine what is wrong. In the case that you may need dental treatment this may be the cause of your problems.

However if no oral cause can be found then it is possible that a trip to a clinic or practice that specializes in bad breath is required.

Bad Breath - What you can do to prevent it.

That being said I suffered a rude awakening when my girlfriend started commenting on my breath problems (being a dental nurse I respect her opinion in this regard). So I consulted my dentist.

I was told to floss regularly, shown how to brush properly and also suggested I use closys II as a mouth wash.

I have not had bad breath since I have started using Closys II and in my opinion is the best mouthwash out. To read more about Closys II go to

Here are the steps outlined below that you can use to prevent bad breath

Brush regularly twice a day if possible.
Ensure that you floss each day.
Make sure you drink enough water (This can help flush your mouth of unwanted food particles)
Use a mouthwash after brushing. For best effect do this at night time.

I have followed these simple steps and no longer worry about bad breath. Neither will you if you put some of the points in this article to good use.

About the Author

About the Author.
Zoom Teeth Whitening - Laser Whitening Professionals
Providing information and awareness on zoom tooth whitening and teeth whitening procedures. For more information and other great articles on other dental problems please visit our site


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